
High-impact articles (IF>6.5) from the past years:

  1. B Mészáros, ..., P Tompa, W Vranken, SCE Tosatto, NE Davey. (2023) Minimum information guidelines for experiments structurally characterizing intrinsically disordered protein regions.
    Nature Methods, 20(9):1291-1303.
  2. Z Sárkány, F Rocha, A Bratek-Skicki, P Tompa, S Macedo-Ribeiro, PM Martins. (2023) Quantification of Surface Tension Effects and Nucleation-and-Growth Rates during Self-Assembly of Biological Condensates.
    Advanced Science, 10(23):e2301501
  3. A Meszaros, J Ahmed, G Russo, P Tompa, T Lazar. (2022) The evolution and polymorphism of mono-amino acid repeats in androgen receptor and their regulatory role in health and disease.
    Frontiers in Medicine, 9:1019803
  4. T Lazar, A Tantos, P Tompa, E Schad. (2022) Intrinsic protein disorder uncouples affinity from binding specificity.
    Protein Science, 31(11):e4455
  5. A Bratek-Skicki, M Van NeromD MaesP Tompa. (2022) Biological colloids: Unique properties of membraneless organelles in the cell.
    Adv Colloid Interface Sci, 310:102777
  6. M Guharoy, T Lazar, M Macossay-Castillo, P Tompa. (2022) Degron masking outlines degronons, co-degrading functional modules in the proteome.
    Comms Biol, 5:445
  7. F Quaglia, ..., T Lazar, ..., N Farahi, ..., A Meszaros, ..., P Tompa, SCE Tosatto, D Piovesan. (2022) DisProt in 2022: improved quality and accessibility of protein intrinsic disorder annotation.
    Nucleic Acids Research, 50(D1):D480-D487
  8. E Korkmazhan, P Tompa, AR Dunn. (2021) The role of ordered cooperative assembly in biomolecular condensates.
    Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 22(10):647-648
  9. J Ahmed, A Meszaros, T Lazar, P Tompa. (2021) DNA-binding domain as the minimal region driving RNA-dependent liquid-liquid phase separation of androgen receptor.
    Protein Science, 30(7):1380-1392
  10. J Van Lindt, A Bratek-Skicki, PN Nguyen, D Pakravan, LF Durán-Armenta, A Tantos, R Pancsa, L Van Den Bosch, D Maes, P Tompa (2021) A generic approach to study the kinetics of liquid-liquid phase separation under near-native conditions. Comms Biol, 4(1):77
  11. T Lazar, ..., P Tompa, SCE Tosatto, D Piovesan. (2021) PED in 2021: a major update of the protein ensemble database for intrinsically disordered proteins.
    Nucleic Acids Research, 49 (D1), D404-D411
  12. B Mészáros, ..., P Tompa, Z Dosztányi, R Pancsa. (2020) PhaSePro: the database of proteins driving liquid–liquid phase separation.
    Nucleic Acids Research 48 (D1), D360-D367

Full publication list

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